Say NO to aging


Botox Cosmetic can be used not only to treat existing wrinkles in all areas of the face, but prevent those wrinkles and smile lines all together!

Myth: Botox will freeze my face altogether so that I will not be able to show any facial expressions.

Fact: Wrinkles in the skin are caused by overuse of the muscles that make that skin move. Botulinum toxin is injected precisely into targeted muscles of the forehead, around the eyes, and around the lips to simply reduce the activity of those muscles that cause wrinkles. Once that muscle activity is reduced, the skin is no longer stretched, and the result is the smoothing of the skin.

Myth: Botox is toxic and life threatening.

Fact: If given in excessive amounts, anything is toxic; even water. The truth is that the amount of botulinum toxin required to be life threatening is approximately 3000 units given at once. The typical amount of Botox given in a single treatment is 30-60 units depending on the person. That means in order to receive a lethal dose of of Botox you would have to be injected with 100x the average amount for a single treatment.

Myth: Botox injections are extremely painful.

Fact: While there is no way to make a needle not stick, there is ways to minimize discomfort. By using the smallest possible sized needle, most patients feel little to no pain at their appointment. Don’t believe it? Ask someone who is currently receiving cosmetic injections about their experience.